Local news for Sendai, Japan continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.
http://www.topix.com/jp/sendai?expandmap=1#gmap_anchorPRAYERS LOVE AND GOOD ADVICE
From Aki this morning on facebook:
Lost my voice finaly,,, thank you for calling me my friends.
But i cant answer, sorry:(
Aki has caught a cold. On top of it all.
She saw the news
American people, who were helping in Sendai,
Got radioactivities.
"Im a little scared", she writes.
Prayers, Love and Good advice.
One friend: I can only say,
If you don´t need to,
Please don´t go out!
Keep window, curtain closed!
Wear white!
Or light
colour cloth!
It will help for not to get
Radioactive light!
If you go out
You must wear properly
Mask, hat, glasses...
Breaking news every hour.
Discussions about nuclear plants.
Everybody is concerned. Japanese people.
Japanese stock-exchange rates.
And Hope.
That night of destruction
The eleventh of March Twothousandeleven
A child was born!
Of course we are thinking of Aki but also about the whole Japanese people,who suffers a lot from loss of near and dear. Children, parents, grandparents! Now they will soon be out of nessecities. The daily portion of rice is not enough for a long period.They can´t move and have to be very careful about the radiation. Our thoughts and minds are with you every minute of the day.